Monday, August 31, 2009

Ask for Help!

It's OK to ask for help. People love helping. When I ask for help, I usually get it with a smile. I used to think of it as a sign of weakness but it's not! Even super heroes have their specialty and can't do it all! I also used to think, "People should see that I'm struggling and that I need help!" But, people live in their own world and see it from their view point. Not all can see it the way you see it. Next time, just ask for help!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mental Toxins

Mental toxins are the negative words we use about ourselves. Whether we speak them out loud or think them in our head they do nothing to boost our self image. Take words like: "How could I be so stupid, " or "I'm not good at..." or even, "I'm a failure." - these do nothing good for us. As a matter of fact, they have a negative effect. Just like you need to put good food in your body to be healthy, you need to put good words in your head to have mental health!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Be Direct

When communicating, don't assume people know what you want. You must tell them! Oblique may seem nice or less aggressive but what it you are really doing is passive aggressive. Trying being direct. It doesn't mean be a jerk, it just means be clear. People will thank you for it.

Friday, August 28, 2009

I'm great! How are you?

Try this experiment today: Whenever someone says, "How are you?" Tell them you are doing great, instead of the usual - "I'm fine." or "Doing good." You must use some enthusiasm, too. You'll really peek peoples interest and by the end of the day you'll probably be in the best mood. People will ask you why you're so great. You can just tell them that you don't know but you just are and that will be good enough! They'll want whatever you are "taking."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thank Someone Today

Today is the day of appreciation. Tell someone thank you or that they did a good job - even if the just live up to expectations. People like feeling important and noticed. Don't you? How motivated are you to repeat your actions if you get praised for it?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Live in the Moment

We can get so fixated on what might or might not happen for us in the future that we forget to enjoy today. Take some time to notice some perfect moments today. I saw my kids laughing hysterically and sharing a loving moment. Nothing is more perfect than that - for me. I'll bet you have nice moment today - take some time to "Live in that Moment."

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Morgan!

Today is my 4 year old daughters birthday. I can remember her first moments of life! All great things were ahead of her. I want you to pretend today is your "Birth" day. Take this moment to start a new outlook on life! You can start over if you want! You may say that you haven't always been good and maybe you are not worthy. You are worthy and it's important to start over with a fresh outlook if you want to be better! Happy Birthday to everyone!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Do Someone a Favor Today

It'll make you feel great. Do it without expecting anything in return.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Have Some Fun Today!

I think this will post on Sunday. I declare this Sunday as "No Grumpiness Day!" If you start to feel the grumps coming on just picture the audience naked. Oh what, wrong advice. Hmmmm. If you start to feel the grumps coming on just try to.....

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Smile in Adversity

“Sometimes we think that if we hang on to our anger and bad attitude, we show that it’s not ok – but real strength is smiling in adversity.” - unknown. If you are angry at someone today, try letting go. It drains your energy and makes you ineffective at solving problems. In other words, take the high road and make wonderful things happen.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Do Something...Anything

Start with writing it down. Putting your desires on paper will help propel you in that direction. It'll be more clear to the yourself. Once you have clarity, then you must take action. Wanting without action is like sitting in a rocking chair. There is movement but you're not getting anywhere. Do something small today to take you where you want to go.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's OK to Want...

Just don't sit around and mope about it. Don't be embarrasssed about it. It's ok to want because otherwise how would God/the Universe, etc. know what to bring us? I remember wanting a husband and being embarrassed until I realized that is was ok to want a husband. Men want wives and we think it's sweet. So, I relaxed and had fun at life while I waited. It was a better journey. I had patience knowing all that I wanted would come to me if I named it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

You Go Girl/Guy!

Give yourself a compliment everyday. No matter how big or small, those compliments will add up! A boost of self-confidence starts with focusing on what you do right. Don't wait for others to do it for you. You have to make it happen for yourself. You are great and the things you say and do are great, too! At sports events there are others who boost a players performance. It's the fans cheering and cheering - that's great motivation! Cheer yourself on, today!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Love Yourself First!

You must love yourself in order for others to love you. If you put yourself down, you can make it difficult for others to raise you up or give you a chance. Whether looking for a mate, business partner or new job, you must praise yourself. Confidence and love are communicable and others will catch it!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Honor Anger

If you are angry, it is valid. Someone has broken a rule in your eyes. How you behave in this anger is what will destroy those around you. Always take time to be in the moment without giving your anger voice or fist. Find a rational place to discuss the events that make you angry. You'll find that people will listen better to someone that has thought things through.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Laughing Cures!

Laughing is addictive and makes you feel better! Health studies have shown that laughter can and will make you feel better and in some instances speed recovery after aliment or surgery! Feeling down? Find a funny movie to watch, go to youtube, google for funny jokes. When I feel down, I call my sister. No matter how she is feeling, she always cracks jokes and makes me laugh. I feel great when I get off the phone with her. Call someone who makes you laugh - right now!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Self Care

Self Care is commonly mistaken for selfishness. We must take care of ourselves or we will never be able to take care of others. The same is true of our business, our clients, our partner, our spouse, our children, our parents...Care should be about kindess, phycial health and mental health. Be kind to yourself today.

Friday, August 14, 2009


We can have peace. It's sometimes simple; such as a taking a few breathes. When we are calm and rational we make better decisions. Reboot - lets close our eyes and slowly count to ten. Do you feel yourself becoming calmer? Now, close your eyes and take a few deep breathes. This will take toxins out of our body. Have a peaceful day.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Happiness lies within us. If we wait for other people or things to make us happy we will be disappointed. Happiness is a gift from God, the creator, the universe, - whatever your beliefs we are, Happiness is still a gift. Just try a smile, right now. Doesn't that already feel better?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Opportunity Is For You and Me

Opportunities are everywhere. It's ok that we take part. As there are many who get and take advantage of opportunities, we can do the same. We do not have to sit by while others do what we want to do. We can be active participants.

With Kindness, Lorin