Monday, March 18, 2013

Believe In Your Genius

Thousands of geniuses live and die undiscovered
- either by themselves or by others. ~ Mark Twain

How do you hold yourself back?  Do you regularly discount the intelligence you have inside you?  Do you put yourself down, to keep from putting yourself out there for others to see?  It is up to you to shine.  You can not achieve nor attain all that you desire when you allow yourself to think you are incapable.  If you hide your true self from others, how will they ever see what you can do in this world.  Those that succeed believe in themselves.  They are not self-doubters.  They do not hide.

AFFIRMATION - say: "I believe in my genius and will be confident to the world."


  1. Love the Ted talk by Elizabeth Gilbert about creative genius. It really puts a healthy spin on it.

    I will bake cookies in your honor if you remove the captcha requirement from your comments.

    1. I will go to youtube to see if I can find that talk! Thanks for sharing. Sorry about the "captcha" but it reduces spam. Did you have a lot of trouble?
