Sunday, February 28, 2010

Enjoy the sunshine

Sunshine has been proven by several scientific research studies to improve symptoms of depression. If the weather isn't your ideal at least get spend some time by a window with daylight on your face. You can also buy special light bulbs the "act" like the sun. You'll be amazed at how much better you will feel.  Does is cure depression?  I don't know about that.  Not sure if there is a cure but, with strong research it's at least worth a try.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cheer others on and see your energy sore!

Nothing gets my energy more revved up than cheering others on!  When people are down, try to lift them up.  When people are up support them to keep it going.   Don't be envious, jealous or look for way to bring them down - instead absorb the positive energy and lift it even more.  Think about how a crowd can spur on a team to victory in sports!  Cheering others is infectious and can bring a smile to our own face.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Choose your words carefully, day 3

Third, are you clear to others? Use words other people understand and communication automatically become easier. You assume people understand you, even if you speak the same language and that is rarely the case. When you say, "that person didn't hear me" you really mean, "that person didn't understand me." It's not always their fault - make sure you are using words others understand and more importantly - can relate to...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Choose your words carefully, day 2

Second, words you use for others. Are they mean spirited? Are they personal and judgmental? Whether you think them or say them - you hurt yourself more.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Choose your words carefully

When you think about the words you use and choose carefully - wonderful things happen. Consider the words you use for yourself. Do you use words that convey positive energy, confidence and success? Try for today to only use positive words and at the end of the day see how you feel. Check your outlook.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Goals without plans are just dreams

It is important to know what you want - that's a goal. Know that there is something out there to strive for can be motivating. However, without a plan of action you will just focus on the end results without ever getting there.

I know people who put pictures of Tuscany on their walls and say "someday." What is lacking is the plan. How much does it cost? How would I get there? What small things do I need to do each day to accomplish the task of getting to Tuscany? What obstacles could I run into? Have I done the research?

Hmmmm - Rarely do we go on a trip with our maps, itineraries and some thought to our travels - if the end result is the destination.

The person with the picture on the wall is just dreaming.

Have a goal - set up a plan.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Look to the future

Looking to the past is good for learning lessons and moving on - and THAT'S ALL. If you continue to cry or lament over what has happened before now then you are living in the past. There is no future and before you know it's here and what do you have to show for it but a list of "shoulda, coulda, woulda."

View the past but only for a moment. Look to the future and make change happen. Don't waste time! Start now.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


It's Sunday. We spend all week going crazy. Make sure you take time to relax and recharge your energy. It's sometimes so hard for us to make time for ourselves but, it's a must. If you spend a lot of time alone during the week then get out and socialize. Whatever it is make it different from Monday thru Saturday. Variations in life make it rich and meaningful.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Get clear

Get clear about what you want.  Set intentions and then announce them to the world.  Don't just grasp at anything - it'll leave you clawing at a cliff side.  Instead - focus.  You must be clear or the universe will not know what you want.  Take the time to meditate, pray, journal, draw - whatever your medium don't do it while driving or in the shower or washing the dishes.  Find a quiet place that is your own and think.  Also put something in black and white so that you can go back to it and revise it as you move through life.  But for goodness sake - at least give it a start.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Embrace uncertainty!

Uncertainty can be exciting! "What’s around the corner?" Many times uncertainty brings about opportunities. Remember when we were younger and we weren't sure what the world had in store for us? It's still that way and it should be. Imagine a life that was so planned that there was no room for change or growth or another idea. Embrace uncertainty - explore all possibilities!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"Check out your own B.S." - Jewel Diamond-Taylor

B.S. refers to belief system. What you believe to be true is true. I SAY this all the time! If you think the sky is orange well, guess what it is...If you believe that you can't...well, you can't. If you believe you can...YOU WILL! I know it's all tied into self-esteem and confidence. It is possible to change your limiting beliefs. It takes small steps, tenacity and patience. Don't give up. If you say - there are no jobs out there for me then you will never work again. If you say - I'll never figure out what I want to do in life - guess what??? Start with you - what have you done in life so far? I'll bet you can think of 10 things you've accomplished that are fabulous! Why not add a little optimism in there and think to yourself  --  there are 10 more things ahead of you.

All you have to do is believe.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Good things come to those who wait! Right? It's so hard to wait, sometimes - especially when we are coming from a place of desperation. We might think that we don't have the time to wait but, worrying and fretting never bring about the things that we need or desire. Sometimes desperation will cause us to be rash and do things that might sabotage what we need.

If you are impatient when cooking a cake and open the oven door before it is ready – it will fall. Be patient and let the cake finish cooking!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Do not let fear paralyze you!

Fear is a good thing.  It helps us protect ourselves from the things that can really harm us.  But, we use it too much as an excuse.  It readily available to use for not doing...for not changing.  Use fear wisely to protect yourself BUT, don't use it as a crutch.  To get any happiness or success, you must be willing to set aside fear and take that leap of faith. Take risks or you will always get the same thing.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine’s Day

Today think of those that you love and who love you. Don't pay attention to the wife who got flowers at the office today. That is not what Valentines should be about. There is so much love in the world and I know you experience from might now know this person, yet, but they are out there. In the meantime, think about the importance people in your life and fill your heart.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Instead of focusing on “poor me, it’s too hard.” Think instead of what you can do for this moment. We tend to focus too much on what we don’t have or can’t do that we never can see what we CAN do. Solutions are the answer to the power of positive energy and the end of self-pity.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Acknowledge anger and use it wisely

It's ok to be a matter of fact - it's important to live out our anger. It can be a motivator, a balance maker, and even a peace maker. Anger helps us define our values and set boundaries. It's how we behave in our anger that can be harmful. Turn it inward and it can become depression - which can create a pain inside us that no one sees. Turn it outward with the purpose if hurting and it becomes destructive. Use your anger wisely to help you see how to make things better with yourself, others and the world.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Small steps - add up...

Small steps add up to giant moment.  Ever think about the mountains on our beautiful earth???  They are there because of small movement over time.  OK - I get it - You want it and you want it NOW!  Impatientence can lead to disaster.  How many time have you needed in NOW and didn't get it only to survive?  And maybe even thrive.  Think of your small steps as moment toward that mountain of success.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Power is yours and only yours

You have the power to make change in yourself. No one else can do this for you. You cannot sit around and ask that others do what you can only do yourself. If you do this, you will be waiting a long time and will be miserable. When you take ownership of your power – you can change yourself…your world.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I am worry free

Worry is a vampire that drains you of your right to be at peace. Worry makes you helpless, creates confusion and can blind you to the truth and power of the moment. Write down what is worrying you now. Put the paper to a window that has sun. Everyone knows that when a vampire is exposed to the sun, it burns and turns to ash never to harm you again.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Use your wisdom

Experience gives us a lot!  Draw from it.  Experience is your wisdom.  You are so much smarter than you give yourself credit for having.   Next time you find yourself saying that you can't - STOP - think of a time you though you couldn't and you did.  That's wisdom.  Maybe you had to learn a new way or try something different.  You've succeeded before you can do it again.  Through your wisdom.

Friday, February 5, 2010

List those great qualities!

Don't let your fear or self-esteem hold you back from anything.  Don't think for one minute you can't do something!  Whatever that "something" is - there are others less capable than you do it!  What's the worst that can happen if you try.  Feeling less than courageous.  Look in the mirror and write down what you love about yourself - brains and all!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Just Keep Moving

It's easy to get paralized by fear and failures.  There is a famous quote by Henry Ford that says he failed a ton before finding success.  For some of us, success is a good job, healthy life and good friends/family.  That's big and I know you can do those things!  You just have to keep moving.  Think forward!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Positive Mind

A positive mind creates positive energy which makes magic happen.  It's ok to go to a negative state - it's called a "reality check" but, don't dwell  -- focus on what you can do to make things better.  There is always a way. 

Monday, February 1, 2010

Don't Try to Be Perfect - Just Be Excellent

"Perfect" is the ultimate phrase. But trying to attain perfection can cause stress, hinder efficiency, and create unnecessary conflicts with the people around you.   Shoot for excellence - meditate to calm youself and say that you are doing the best that you can do!

For more on this today, go to my career coaching blog: